Revised 4/05
This club is formed to promote the advancement of: a) the interests of The Ohio State University and b) closer fellowship among the alumni, former students, and supporters of The Ohio State University.
1. All graduates of The Ohio State University and all other persons who have been in attendance as a student at the University are eligible for membership in this club.
2. Such non-alumni who by their interest and activity have distinguished themselves by their work for the University may be entitled to associate membership by special action of the Board of Governors of the local Alumni Club, and upon approval of the Board of Directors of The Ohio State University Alumni Association.
3. Interested spouses of members are eligible for associate membership. Associate members are ineligible to hold office, but may serve as committee members.
The officers of this club shall consist of President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and immediate past president, all of whom must hold membership in the The Ohio State University Alumni Association.
The President shall preside at all meetings of the club, and shall be the chairman of the Board of Governors, and an ex-officio member of all committees, and shall continue to serve on the Board of Governors for at least one year after serving as president..
Section 2. Vice President:
In the absence or disability of the President, or at the request of the President, the Vice President shall perform the duties of the President. If the office of the President becomes vacant, the vice President shall become President and serve the balance of the term.
The Secretary shall have custody of the names and addresses of the alumni in the area, as provided by the Director of Alumni Affairs of the Ohio State University Alumni Association. The Secretary shall record all changes, notifying immediately the Director of Alumni Affairs of the Ohio State University Alumni Association of any additions or corrections to the list. The Secretary shall not release the list for political or commercial purposes, subject to expulsion from office by the board of Directors of the Ohio State University Alumni Association. Release of the list shall be made only on approval of the Director of Alumni Affairs of the Ohio State University Alumni association, subject to the constitution of the Association.
The Secretary shall send out all notices of meetings, and shall send reports of all meetings and activities of the club to the Director of Alumni Affairs of The Ohio State University MONTHLY. The Secretary shall assist the President and shall be an ex-officio member of all committees.
Section 4. Treasurer:
The Treasurer shall supervise all receipts and expenditures of the club. The Treasurer shall be an ex-officio member of the Meetings and Program committee, in charge of handling financial arrangements for their meetings. If dues are collected, the Treasurer shall collect and disburse them, subject to the approval of the Board of Governors..
Section 1.
The Board of Governors, all of whom must be members of The Ohio State University Alumni Association, shall consist of:
a. The above named officers;
b. The immediate Past President of the Club;
c. Up to four additional members as the local club may choose to elect;
d. The Director Alumni Affairs of the Ohio State University Alumni Association or designate as an ex-officio member.
Section 2.
The Board of Governors shall have full power to fill all vacancies.
Section 3.
The government of the club and the direction of its activities shall be vested in The Board of Governors.
Section 4.
A meeting of the Board of Governors must be called by the President of the club upon written request of three or more members of the Board of Governors.
Section 5.
The Board of Governors shall hold at least two meetings a year, one before the annual meeting of the club to draw plans therefore, and the other(s) at the discretion of the President.
Section 1.
At least one General Membership meeting must be held each year. Failure to comply with this provision shall make the club charter subject to revocation by The Ohio State University Alumni Association.
Section 2.
The annual meeting of the club shall be held in the Spring.
Section 3.
There shall be such other meetings each year as the President of the club deems desirable with the approval of the Board of Governors.
Section 4.
The President of the club must call a meeting upon written request of five members of the club. Upon failure of the President to schedule such a meeting within ten days of such request, the meeting may be called by any other officer or member of the Board of Governors, or by the five petitioning members. In such instance, the Director of Alumni Affairs of the Ohio State University Alumni Association shall be notified. Said Director shall send due notice of the date, place and purpose of the meeting to all members of the club.
Section 5.
Where this constitution fails to provide authority for procedure, Roberts Rules of Order shall be used.
Section 1.
The President of the club shall appoint the following standing committees with the approval of the Board of Governors. The committee chairpersons shall report to the board of governors as needed.
a. Meetings and Activities:
It shall be the function of this committee to organize the meetings and activities of the club; plan the program; obtain the publicity for them; and to notify by mail or phone, or both, to the alumni and former students within the area of the club.
b. Membership:
It shall be the duty of this committee to check the names of all eligibles for membership with the Director of Alumni Affairs of The Ohio State University Alumni Association and to use all means possible to induce non-members to do their share in furthering the interests of the University by joining the Ohio State University Alumni Association.
c. Publicity:
This committee shall work closely with the Meetings and Programs Committee and shall use all means to obtain adequate and all favorable publicity for the University. This committee shall cooperate with the Alumni Office and with the University department of Public Relations to insure that publicity emanating from the Campus and from the club is brought to the attention of the news media in the area.
d. New Students (Student Outreach):
This committee shall be constantly alert to see that the high school students of their area are acquainted with the prestige and facilities of the University. It shall make contact with prospective students; arrange such events as a University Day in the local high schools; promote the award of scholarship and athletic plaques; notify the Alumni Office of outstanding students ready for college; and arrange, through it to get literature and entrance forms in the hand of those students.
e. General University Relations:
This committee shall be the liaison agency between the University and their local community. It may arrange, under the direction of the local alumni club President, for the sponsorship (either by club or by civic, musical or fraternal groups), of band and glee club concerts; appearance of dramatic groups; lectures by professors; extension courses; alumni study groups and the like.
f. Gifts, Bequests, and Endowments:
It shall be the duty of this committee to call to the attention of the alumni and the public at large, the constant opportunity for needed gifts to the University, such as book collections from libraries, funds for scholarships, museum and art collections, and student loans. (Bequest forms will be furnished by the Ohio State University Development Fund, under whose direction and jurisdiction this committee shall work.)
Section 2.
The President of the club, with the approval of the Board of Governors, shall appoint such additional committees as deemed necessary to further the interests of the club, and may prescribe the duties of such committees.
The officers shall be elected biennially at the annual membership meeting, and shall hold office until their successors have been elected and qualified.
This constitution shall be officially adopted upon its approval by a majority vote of the members of the local club in attendance at any regular or special meeting of the club. It shall take effect upon the granting of a charter by The Board of directors of The Ohio State University Alumni Association, authorizing its functioning as one of the official Alumni Clubs of The Ohio State University.
This constitution may be amended by a majority vote of the members present at any regular or special membership meeting of the club. No amendments shall take effect until duly approved by the Board of Directors of The Ohio State University Alumni Association.