Good Evening, Buckeyes!
Mailers going out this Week
A double-sided membership/gala form will be mailed out this week to current and past members from the last three years (2008-09 to 2010-11). The form is simply a request to renew club dues or re-join us, a pre-registration for the Spring Gala (May 24!), and also is an invitation to visit this blog for a copy of the digital newsletter which can also be viewed by clicking
here. At this point, we are waiting on a list from the Alumni Association to help us bring in some new club members. If anyone knows of someone that may be interested in joining the club or attending our gala, please let me know a name and address and I will gladly mail out a newsletter and/or membership enrollment form.
Club Elections to be held at Spring Banquet
I thought I would pass along an update as I failed to mention the news in the newsletter. This year's alumni banquet also will have its biannual elections for officer positions. As most of you know, in addition to my new tasks of being a blogger and newsletter writer/editor, I have served as the Club's Treasurer the past two years. I have put the club 'on notice' since December of 2010 that I would not continue the role of Treasurer after elections. Therefore, if you are interested or know somebody that might be interested in taking over the Club's Treasurer post, please let me know at and I will forward to the Club's Board for consideration.
Dr. Gee coming to Darke County?
I do not have any details or confirmations but there is rumor that OSU President Dr. E. Gordon Gee will be visiting Darke County in the near future. While details are sketchy, the news I heard had his visit pegged for early June. As details emerge and are confirmed, I will report them.....if anyone can confirm or deny this news, please provide me details at
Singing Ohio's Praise,
Scott '05