This Saturday, October 8th 2011 join co-hosts the OSU Alumni Club of Darke County and Main Street Greenville for a game watch at the "Downtown Buckeye BASH". The event will mark this Saturday's Nebraska-Ohio State showdown and will be held from 6:00pm -11:00pm. The game watch will begin at 8 PM and will be held Downtown Greenville behind The Palace Building, which is located at the corner of 5th and Broadway. There will be activities for the whole family such as: Kids activities (6:00-9:00 pm), Taste of Downtown, Chili Cook-Off (7:00-1st quarter), Reverse Raffle (pre-sale tickets-$500 cash prize), Beer Tent, Best Dressed Buckeye Fan Contest (contest at half time), and an Adult Football Throw Contest. There will also be big screen televisions set up throughout the tents so you will have the best seat in the house!
All proceeds from event support Darke Co. OSU Alumni Scholarships and Main Street Greenville Projects.
The Ohio State Alumni Club of Darke County would like to thank the evening's major event sponsors: Readmore's Hallmark & Second National Bank, Division of the Park National Bank.
For more information, visit: http://www.mainstreetgreenville.org/
We hope to see you there! If anyone takes pictures, share 'em by emailing Scott '05 at osuacofdarke@gmail.com
Go Bucks!
Scott '05
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