Tuesday, April 24, 2012

OSU Scholarship Golf Outing Set To Tee Off June 11th

Greeting Buckeye Fans and Alumni,

This is James Conway and and I am here to talk about our Scholarship Golf Outing. The 16th Annual Darke County OSU Alumni Scholarship Golf Outing will be held on Monday, June 11th at the Turtle Creek Golf Course, formerly the Greenville Golf Course, which is located at
6545 US RT 36 East in Greenville. Registration will begin at 11:30AM with a shotgun start at 12:30PM.  The golf outing format is a four person team with a two net best ball.

The event raises money for scholarships for Darke County students who will be attending The Ohio State University in the fall. At our banquet in May, we will present over $5,000 in scholarships to four deserving high school seniors.  We have helped over 65 Darke county students attend The Ohio State University.

There are various ways you can participate to help make this event a success. You can register to participate in the tournament as a golfer or as a four person team, you can be a sponsor of the event or volunteer during the outing.

If you have any questions, you may contact me, James Conway at jamesconway04@yahoo.com or (937) 548-9233 or reply to the post and I will get back with you. Please . Should you have problems with google docs or pdf files, you can email me and I will send you one. Click here to access the entry and sponsorship form!

Last year's winning team

Friday, April 6, 2012

Save the Date! The 2012 Spring Gala Is Set for Tuesday, May 1st!

Greetings Darke Buckeye Alumni, Friends, and Fans!

The 2012 Annual Spring Gala will be held on Tuesday May 1st, 7PM at The Little Italian Cafe ... 180 E. Third St. in Greenville (937-547-1000). Our guest speaker will be Frank Moscowitz, editor and publisher of The Buckeye Sports Bulletin. The cost will be only $5.00 per person this year. Our scholarship recipients will have their ticket and meal provided by the association, but all other meals will be "ala carte" . That way we can keep ticket prices low and each individual can get exactly what they want .. no more, no less. We will see if this is the way to go in the future. A usual, yearly dues will be accepted at this time.

Looking forward to another fun and informative evening.
Please Join Us! Stay Tuned for the spring newsletter to be coming to this blog, your email and your mailbox in the very near future!


Scott '05