Thirty-four Darke County high school students from six of our county high schools traveled to The Ohio State University for a campus tour on May 3
rd. This was the 12th annual tour sponsored by the OSU Alumni Club of Darke County. The tour began with a campus overview provided by an Admissions Counselor. Information about majors, courses of study, activities, work-study programs, costs and scholarships were provided as well as student life and what it is like to be a Buckeye. The students were divided into three groups for an hour and a half walking tour of campus, led by student ambassadors. The three groups met together for lunch at Baker Commons, one of the campus dining halls.
The OSU Alumni Club of Darke County wishes to provide our County high school students an opportunity to see first hand the excitement and opportunities that Ohio State has to offer. We had a great group of students attend our trip on May 3rd and we look forward to providing the opportunity again next year.
A big THANKS to Janelle Brinksneader for the write-up and to everyone that helped once again make the trip a success!
Scott '05
This is great! Thanks for keeping the blog current.